Countdown to Convention:

NaN days, NaN hours, NaN minutes, NaN seconds

Dodgeball Team Sign-Up

Team Registration

Teams consist of 10 players. If you are unable to field a full team, feel free to team up with a neighboring church. 

Sign-up deadline: Friday, October 29th by 8pm.

Please note the first teams entered will receive the best seeds. 

Dodgeball Rules:

Students only. 

Two teams, each team gets ten players per round, substitutions may be made between

rounds only. Players must never cross the dividing line. First team to completely eliminate

the opposing team wins that round; first team to win 5 rounds wins the match. To eliminate

a player you must hit him with a ball or catch a ball he has thrown. Once a player is hit he

must sit on the sidelines for the remainder of the round. If a teammate catches an opposing

player's throw he may designate one teammate who is out to return to the game.

Players who hit someone in the head are eliminated from that round.


RegFox Event Registration Software